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Access to almost 460,000 ready-to-use product references

An international database of images and metadata, segmented and updated every month for manufacturers of FMCG and OTC products.

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Up-to-date product references
by category

  • Need a merchandising implementation plan?
  • Do you want to maintain your category leadership or position yourself as a challenger?
  • Looking for a global view of your market? or category?
  • Do you have a 3D virtualisation project in the pipeline?
  • Launching a study using image recognition tools?
  • Setting up product surveys among your consumers?

If you are a supermarket manufacturer, call on Klee Studio to provide you with consistent, segmented visuals
and updated monthly or quarterly, depending on your needs.

51,735 products
processed per year

107,480 images
per year

1,501,130 images distributed
via applications per year

458 600
products listed

A ready-to-use image and metadata database

Immediate access to our database via the Klee Media online platform, available 24/7.
Using a fast, intuitive interface and via an annual subscription, we guarantee daily delivery of your digital content.

Your packaging visuals and product data can be immediately transmitted to your partners or integrated into your PIM or DAM for multi-channel distribution.

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Focus on quality and safety

With Klee Studio, you have access to a wide choice of shots, formats and sizes, complying with standards and practices to meet all your business needs.

You can download and integrate your digital content into your merchandising software, whatever it may be, thanks to our conversion engine.

We host your digital content in France. You have secure access to a database stored in a single location.

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Control your digital content and save time

We use IFSL segmentation, based on categories and sub-categories, to make your life easier. Our search engine filters your data by gen code, name, manufacturer, date… according to your needs.

One-click access to your history, all in a multilingual environment.

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