Product database management: from hell to heaven

Merchandising and category management are based on complex management and organizational processes, the success of which depends a large extent on the quality and accessibility of databases. For manufacturers, especially those in category leadership positions, they are the backbone of their implementation strategies. Product databases are essential for drawing up effective merchandising plans, and for enhancing the value of their planogram recommendations. Without quality databases, it is simply impossible to carry out these central tasks. Managing internal databases can quickly become a nightmare. Fortunately, there’s a solution in sight: Klee Studio.
The importance of data quality and coherence
One of the first constraints faced by manufacturers is the quality of the data in their databases. Often, these companies find themselves managing their databases in-house. This can be a tedious and risky task.
Firstly, because the information gathered on the spot is likely to lack legitimacy. Data is collected in a disordered way, with images from a variety of sources and information entered inconsistently.
For example, product nomenclature may vary from one entry to another, complicating data search and analysis. This lack of data homogeneity, with, for example, different units of measurement from one product to another (some data being expressed in centimeters and others in millimeters), creates ambiguities as to product specifications. This is detrimental to the quality of the metadata, but above all, it is detrimental to the analysis results of merchandising software, which is the purpose of all this work. As a result, analyses are either incorrect or impossible to carry out.
In this environment, it’s difficult to ensure that all the necessary information is correctly entered. This can lead to deficiencies in the database, making planning and decision-making difficult.
Day-to-day database management
Another major constraint for manufacturers is the day-to-day management of their product databases. Centralized databases must be constantly updated to reflect changes and activity in the relevant market. Products disappear, and others change packaging or evolve their graphics.
Innovations may also appear on the shelves. All these changes need to be tracked and inventoried in order to update the database and maintain the relevant information it contains. Identifying new packaging and product innovations from competitors in particular is a treasure trove to be exploited.
This ongoing management is a major challenge, particularly for large companies operating in several markets. Each category manager needs access to data for his or her operations, which requires constant coordination and consistency.
Database accessibility is also a major issue. Companies need to ensure that all internal stakeholders can access information easily and quickly. Database availability is fundamental to ensuring that decisions are made in real-time. Simultaneously, it must be secure to prevent a leak of sensitive data.
Data continuity and relevance
The durability of the database is another key point. Sometimes database management is entrusted to temporary employees, which is not entirely without problems of continuity. When the employee leaves the company, the database may be left without proper follow-up, and how it is stored and accessed may become unclear.
In some cases, data may even disappear or become inaccessible, with the risk of disrupting the company’s merchandising operations for months on end and wiping out the investment made in terms of time and money.
Physical data and its limits
It’s inconceivable to build up a database from “bricks and mortar”, either from in-store shots or screenshots taken from the Internet. Not only is this type of content illegal, but it also makes the database unusable.
The physical dimensions of products are also essential for effective merchandising plans. Without this information, it’s impossible to determine how shelves should be organized and how many products can be stocked on them. Capturing metadata (available product data) is only possible in the presence of the physical sample/product. This is a further constraint for those responsible for updating the database.
The importance of data accuracy
Another difficulty: in logistics records, the EAN code, often based on a product model, can be misleading. Take the case of a blouse. Although it may initially be registered under a single EAN code, the reality is far more complex. This blouse may exist in a multitude of variations: different colors, different sizes, and perhaps even specific patterns.
It is therefore essential to differentiate product specificities through data accuracy for finer product management. This requires a classification that ensures that each variation is properly registered and informed.
This diversity must also be taken into account to meet consumer expectations and ensure efficient inventory management. Data granularity is becoming very important for manufacturers, as it enables them to represent the variety of their products in greater detail, and better respond to market needs.
The Klee Studio product database management solution: THE answer to manufacturers’ challenges
Faced with all these challenges, manufacturers need innovative solutions to guarantee the integrity and relevance of their information.
This is where the Klee Studio solution comes in, an innovative data management approach focused on category tracking. This solution provides manufacturers with a solid, up-to-date database of their categories, a source of added value.
Full support for database management
One of the main advantages of the Klee Studio solution is its complete support of the product database. Manufacturers no longer have to worry about setting up, updating, or even managing the database, including its naming and backup.
Klee Studio takes care of everything and adapts to all needs. This means that industrial companies can completely delegate the creation and maintenance of their database to Klee Studio.
Focus on the core business
The Klee Studio solution provides industrial companies with the opportunity to fully concentrate on their core business:
- Developing merchandising plans tailored to market strategies.
- Creating efficient planograms.
- Managing categories with confidence.
Freed from time-consuming tasks related to product database management, companies save time. They have access to strategic data that enables them to exploit market opportunities and maintain their leadership in their category.
Consistent high-quality images
As its name suggests, Klee Studio has multiple production studios. Product photography is carried out by experts using professional equipment, and the images are then processed through various software applications to eliminate any defects and maximize image quality.
Continuous monitoring and updates
One of the core elements of the Klee Studio solution is the constant monitoring of product categories. Klee Studio teams regularly visit major retailers to ensure data updates.
This approach allows for:
- Capturing updates for existing products.
- Acquiring information on new products.
- Swiftly integrating changes into the database.
As a result, all products are processed equally, both in terms of visuals and data quality.
Data accessibility
Finally, Klee Studio offers its clients a data backup and sharing platform: Klee Media. This means that any database can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7. International company teams can collaborate from any geographical location by accessing and utilizing the same database.
Database customization
Industrial companies that have chosen Klee Studio can no longer do without it for two major reasons:
- This solution provides an effective answer to all the challenges they face.
- Compared to internal processes, it offers better guarantees of product database quality and relevance, saving time for companies.
With Klee Studio, it’s as if you’re transitioning from the ordeal of managing product database to paradise.
Do you want to learn more about Klee Studio?
And discover the testimonial of Lucilien, a Klee Studio project manager.